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Work-life Balance


Balance is for the birds. Finding your equilibrium is futile if you don't know what's truly important to you.


Time Abundance. Many people live a time-starved existence. Christine can show you how to establish a positive relationship with time so you have more of it.


How to Say No. Learn simple steps to say 'no' and still remain in positive relationship with others and yourself.



Public Relations


The Do's and Don'ts of Media Outreach. Learn what sends editors and producers into orbit and how to avoid it.


The Importance of an Online Presence. Your Web presence is to your business what shop windows were to retailers in the 19th Century. Find out why your Internet presence is critical to success and how to manage it.


Children --


How to raise bilingual children. It's easier than it looks. Christine offers a simple, practical method that works.


Children's literacy. Apart from reading to children, what else can a parent do to foster a child's interest in the written word? As a literacy supporter, Christine gives examples on how to make reading fun for kids.


What's a Rabenmutter? Germany is known for putting down its mothers if they choose to 'self-actualize.' Christine tells you what's behind the debate and how women needn't fall prey to its line of thinking.


Working Mothers --


Mom Jugglers. How can women balance career and kids? Christine has a five-step program to living the life of your dreams – and raising great kids, too.


How to run a business abroad. Thanks to the Internet, you can keep in touch with clients from wherever you are. Skype, Web cams, Blackberries, etc. make the sky the limit. Entrepreneur Christine Louise Hohlbaum shows you that national borders don't necessarily create a barricade to your career.


Feminine careers. Is it possible to bust the glass ceiling, or are women only allowed to Windex it? Christine has a guide to creating a career without losing our feminine identity.


Time Management. We all only have twenty-four hours in a day, yet some people seem to have more time than others. It's an illusion. It's not about time, but about priorities. Christine has a sure-fire five-step program to stop wasting time and use it to your best advantage.


Travel --


How to travel with kids. Christine has logged over 64,000 air miles with her kids. She's an expert in what works, and what does not when travelling with your wee ones.


Family-friendly places in Europe. Are you booking a trip to Europe with your family? Christine provides tips on which destinations to take on, and which to avoid.

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